The Notice of Intended Marriage Form

Lodging your Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM)
The notice of intended marriage form must be submitted to an authorised marriage celebrant at least 1 month and no more than 18 months before your wedding.
You can either download and print the form, called the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM); if you like you can fill in all relevant spaces and bring it to me at our first meeting, you can also scan and email, fax or post it. The necessary documents will need to be sighted at some stage prior to the ceremony.
Notice of Intended Marriage Form

The form also allows you to upload any relevant documents. The form is also Encrypted to protect data.
On sending or submitting your Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form, or to confirm a booking the deposit / lodgement fee of $100.00 is payable. If my services are included as part of a package with a venue, planner or other supplier then an invoice will be sent to cover this fee.
More information on payments and payment options and how to make a payment may be found on the payments page.

Notice of Intended Marriage Details ☟
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“For a ceremony that truly reflects you”