Commitment Ceremonies

As a Civil Celebrant I am pleased to conduct ceremonies that allow for the type of ceremony you are looking for. Commitment ceremonies are celebrated for many reasons.
What is a commitment ceremony and how does it differ from a marriage ceremony?
A commitment ceremony is very similar to a wedding ceremony. The only real difference between the two is that one is legally binding while the other is not. A commitment ceremony stands as a public affirmation of a couple’s commitment to one another, without it being recognised by the law.
There are also other reasons why couples may choose a commitment ceremony over a legally-binding marriage ceremony. For instance, a couple who have both been in marriages previously may choose to demonstrate their love for one another through a commitment ceremony. Perhaps you were legally married overseas and wish to share a ceremony with your friends and family. Often a couple wishes to re-enact their marriage ceremony with family and friends who were not able to attend the original wedding.
Commitment ceremonies are a great way to have all the frills and fun of a wedding even if you can’t or don’t want to legally get married.
And sometimes, just because it feels like a good thing to do!
Whatever the reason, I will work with you to create a unique ceremony you will cherish. You can include any part of your original ceremony that you wish, including special music, and, if possible even invite members of the original wedding party to be involved. I will provide you with a variety of readings and ideas to help inspire you, and you may ask those close to you to contribute also, by sharing their stories and memories, giving readings, or reciting poems they have written specially for the occasion.
Generally, for such a ceremony, we spend a little time reflecting on your history, revisiting important events along the way, e.g. the birth of children, relocation of your home, and other key milestones and events that have taken place over the years. If you wish to exchange gifts or eternity rings to mark the occasion, this can be incorporated into the ceremony. If appropriate, your children or grandchildren can take a special part in the celebration, too.

There are no legal requirements for a Commitment ceremony, so no birth or marriage certificates are required. The ceremony is usually very personal it is the tale of a couple’s love and their commitment to see each other through the rest of life’s journey.
To mark the event a certificate is issued including details of this celebration. There is space for you and your witnesses signatures, and mine as celebrant.
If you are interested in holding a Commitment ceremony, simply Contact Me by phone or email, provide a few details about your ceremony and I will be happy to discuss your ideas and options with you.
📜 Your Ceremony
A sample basic ceremony format may be found by clicking on the button below. This ceremony or any others can be personalised along with readings and music added to suit you. For a Commitment ceremony the legal parts (or the parts in red font) are not required.

On confirming your booking you will be provided with a login to the client resources area and have access to all the resources and sample ceremony material to assist you in personalising and tailoring your ceremony as much as you like. Everyone is different and I try and provide ceremony options and elements that allows you to create a ceremony that truly reflects you. This has sample ceremonies, vows, readings and much more that can be tailored to personalise the ceremony to suit.

Visit the Resources page for some assistance and advice on putting your ceremony together.
Venues for your Ceremony
Choosing your venue can be a daunting task, for a start where do you want to have it, in your hometown, out of town? A function room in a hotel, at home, a marquee, a restaurant, a resort, on Sydney harbour or maybe water views?
Click on the button below to visit my Venue Tips page which has some ideas, locations and other information to consider when narrowing down your venue or ceremony location. Always remember the safest thing anyone can do is check twice do it once!

Some venues and council’s request that a copy of the Public Liability and Indemnity Insurance certificate of currency be provided as a condition of booking a venue or public space like a park or reserve. A copy of my certificate of currency for my insurance can be provided upon request.
Payment Information:
If you would like to know about payment options, or make a payment to Adrian please visit the Payments page.
What To Do:
Should all of this strike a chord with you and you would like to know the best way to start preparing a ceremony, then you are welcome to Contact Me, send an instant message to chat if available or use my Quick Contact Form. I can arrange a meeting with you to discuss your ceremony requirements.
If you would like to request a meeting to catch up and discuss your ceremony you can use my meeting request form to select a convenient date, time and place.
To check your proposed date you may use my , along with the Links & Partners page for more quality suppliers and services.

Please find my Commitment Ceremony information sheet and Fact Sheet below containing all the information:

You can Upload a File, arrange a meeting to have a chat about your ceremony at a date, time and place convenient, make a payment or make a booking using the forms below.
“For a ceremony that truly reflects you”
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